
Для высокой доступности проектов.

Что такое Kubernetes

Kubernetes — микросервис-ориентированный оркестратор контейнеров, набирающий всё большую и большую популярность. Безусловно в kubernetes можно жить и с классическими приложениями, но все его сильные стороны раскрываются при использовании методологии разработки «12-факторное приложение» (The Twelve-Factor App).

Benefits of working with us

The implementation and support of Kuberentes on the market is already offered by many companies in various variations, why are we better?
We do not rely on other people's ansible playbooks during installation and do not say that this is a “ready-made solution”.

We write installation automation ourselves, which gives us and you as our customers the following advantages:

  • Installation flexibility.
  • Clear and stable architecture.
  • Possibility of installation both on clouds and on baremetal servers.
  • Quick fixes for bugs if they are found.

    If you have a need for the implementation and further support of Kubernetes for your team, contact us, we will help you develop the optimal solution and implement it!

Have questions? Contact us

We will consult, discuss your tasks and our cooperation

About us

Hypermetrica LLC has been operating in the IT services market since 2010. The company provides services to support servers, web projects, implement DevOps processes and build private clouds for organizations that need qualified technical support for their IT infrastructure.

HyperDedic.ru  |  HyperVDS.ru
